PSIO Therapies

The PSIO is the first combined lumino- and relaxotherapy device.

PSIO technology combines a pair of light therapy goggles and an MP3 player synchronizing sounds and lights for a unique relaxation experience. The uniform diffusion of colored light through the lenses of PSIO goggles is achieved using technology identical to that of mirrors in space telescopes.

Use can be daily, to recover from fatigue, seasonal depression, to fall asleep naturally or simply to practice a very deep relaxation session. Depending on the programs used, PSIO technology can replace both stimulating and calming drugs. This is a real revolution.

How does PSIO works ?

PSIO sessions last about 10 to 40 minutes.
They are preferably carried out in a calm environment,
sitting comfortably with a clear head or lying down.

The PSIO can then act on your level of attention
just like a radio frequency adjustment button.

3 techniques combined

The sound relaxation is a technique is based on relaxing voices, but also to soft music and sounds of nature. Based on proven techniques, Audiomedicine begins with guided physical relaxation based on sophrology and contractions-relaxations. segments and their state of tension, slow breathing, controlled expiration.

Vibroacoustic therapy is a type of sound therapy that involves transmitting low-frequency sinusoidal vibrations between 30 and 120 Hz into the body through a device with built-in speakers. This therapy was developed in Norway by Olav Skille in the 1980s. Low frequency whole body vibrations with restricted energy levels have shown improvements in circulation. Vibro-acoustic devices come in various forms, including beds, chairs, pillows, bracelets… They generally work by playing sound files through transducers, bass shakers or exciters which then transfer the vibrations in the body. Some devices attempt to target very specific parts of the body like the wrist or spine.

Chromotherapy is a method of harmonization and aid in the healing of certain physical or emotional disorders through the use of colors. The treatment is based on the sensory organs including sight. Stimulation by light is lumino relaxation combined with emotional suggestion. 


The 3 PSIO steps


audio-visual impression

Your attention towards a visual scene characterized by vibrant colors, which hold no significance to the mind beyond their remarkable aesthetic appeal. Music or voice is experienced more profoundly and distinctly compared to mere sound listening.


Gradually, focus begins to float. While the continuous light stimulation is still going through the eyelids, they reflexively close. They take on the role of an additional projection screen for the visual cues.

Let it go

The visual stimuli exhibit repetition. The eyes gradually return to their orbits, achieving a state of complete rest. The visual stimuli are currently constrained by both their intensity and frequency variation. Attention subsequently shifts to complete rest. Consequently, the act of "letting go" is complete.

How can the PSIO therapies help ?

Emotional Balance

Sleep Disorder

Chronic Fatigue


Eating Disorder

Pain Management
